धरण्युवाच भवान्हि वेद तत्सर्वं यन्मां धर्मानुपृच्छसि चतुर्भिर्वर्तसे येन पादैर्लोकसुखावहैः (25)Mother Earth replied: ‘Oh Dharma, I will do my best to answer all the questions you asked me, for you are with your four legs [the vidhi] present in all the worlds to bring happiness. सत्यं शौचं दया क्षान्तिस्त्यागः सन्तोष आर्जवम्शमो दमस्तपः साम्यं तितिक्षोपरतिः श्रुतम्ज्ञानं विरक्तिरैश्वर्यं शौर्यं… Continue reading The Qualities of Lord Kṛṣṇa as Listed by Mother Earth at the onset of Kali Yuga