As recorded by dakini Yeshe Tsogyal in “The Lotus Born” being a biography of Padmasambhava that she composed and hid under a tantric Hayagriva statue at the newly constructed Samye temple in the 9th century. The text was revealed in the 12th century by Nyang Ral Nyima Özer (Ray of Sunlight) ཉང་རལ་ཉི་མ་འོད་ཟེར། the first of the famed five Terton kings (treasure revealers).
Chapter 12
82 texts were mentioned in chapter 12 that were translated by Master Padma (Padmasambhava) and Chokro Lui Gyaltsen during a two year period coinciding with the completion of building of the glorious Samye Temple in Tibet by King Tresong Deutsen from 810 – 814
The Eighteen Inner Tantras of Secret Mantra
(The Eighteen Mahayoga Tantras as cited in The Golden Garland Chronicles)
1) Majestic Blazing Retreat Tantra – to prevent obstacles from arising against the practice of the Secret Mantra
2) Sacred Peace Deity Tantra – to liberate samsara into the innate nature and to accomplish the body as a divine mandala because fixation on ego is the cause of samsara
3) Blazing Cosmic Fire Tantra – to annihilate maras, heretics, rakshasas, and haughty spirits and to accomplish enlightened body
4) Embodiment of Great Power Tantra – to accomplish enlightened speech
5) Wrathful Blue Lotus Tantra – to accomplish enlightened mind
6) Nonstraying Goddess Tantra – to accomplish enlightened qualities
7) Vidyadhara Accomplishment Tantra – to accomplish enlightened activity
8) Tantra of the General Accomplishment of Knowledge Mantras
9) Tantra of the Glorious Assemblage of Herukas
10) Secret Black Moon – tantra of Manjushri Body
11) Supreme Steed Display – tantra of Lotus Speech
12) Heruka Galpo – tantra of Vishuddha Mind
13) Supramundane Scripture – tantra of Vishuddha Mind
14) Major Nectar Display – tantra of Nectar Quality
15) Minor Nectar Display – tantra of Nectar Quality
16) Scripture in Eight Chapters – tantra of Nectar Quality
17) Hundred Thousand Sections of Unexcelled Knowledge – tantra of Kilaya Activity
18) Hundred Thousand Tika Scripture – tantra of Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities
Tantras and transmission texts from the Six Sadhana Sections
Mahayoga Tantras
1) Tantra Adorned with Thousandfold Knowledge – to amend the activities and attach ornaments
2) Activity Garland Tantra – to demonstrate how to enact the ocean of activities
3) Major and Minor Gathering Tantra – to perfect the accumulations of merit and wisdom
4) Sky Treasury Consecration Tantra – to consecrate offerings to be an inexhaustible treasure
5) Tantra of Powerful Liberation – to spontaneously purify the act of freeing
6) Essence Tantra of the Expanse of Bliss – to spontaneously purify the act of uniting
7) Rampant Elephant Tantra – to make yogic discipline fierce
8) Sporting Devourer Tantra – to make fire offerings for auspiciousness
9) Major and Minor Torma Tantra – since the torma is the prelude of all activities
10) Glorious Blazing Wrathful Goddess Tantra – to enjoin to action all the guardians of the mandala periphery with access to the residual offerings
11) Tantra of the Liberation of the Ten Objects – to subdue and overpower enemies and obstructing forces
Anu Yoga Tantras (Four Scriptures and the Summation)
1) Assemblage of Knowledge Scripture
2) Scripture of the Wisdom Wheel of Awesome Lightning
3) Scripture of the Play of the Cuckoo Bird of the Charnel Ground
4) Scripture of the Great Prophecy of Awakened Mind
5) Scripture of the Embodiment of the Realization of All Buddhas – summation of all the teachings
Six Secret Sections known as the body tantra of Sarvabuddha Samayoga
1) Secret Moon Essence – speech tantra
2) Assemblage of Secrets – mind tantra
3) Magical Net of Vairochana – quality tantra
4) Activity Garland – activity tantra
5) Tantra of the Four Vajra Thrones – conclusion and summary tantra of previous four
Eight Maya Sections
1) Essence of Secrets – to teach mind and wisdom in their natural modes
2) Forty Magical Nets – to clarify the activities in their completeness
3) Unsurpassable Magical Net – to realize mastery
4) Leulag Magical Net – to demonstrate the oral instructions endowed with the sacred commitments
5) Eightfold Magical Net – to explain the abbreviated meaning
6) Magical Net of the Goddess – to accomplish the manifestation
7) Magical Net in Eighty Chapters – to fulfill incompleteness in the others
8) Magical Net of Manjushri – to elucidate that wisdom is the ultimate
Teachings of the Outer Secret Mantra
Six General Kriya Tantras
1) Kriya Tantra of Eminent Courage – framework of all knowledge mantras
2) Vajrapani Command Tantra – empowerment of all knowledge mantras
3) Supreme Knowledge Tantra – elucidation of all knowledge mantras
4) Susiddhikara: The Tantra of Excellent Accomplishment – synopsis of all knowledge mantras
5) Tantra of Victory Over the Three Realms – the activity of all knowledge mantras
6) Later Meditation Tantra – the teaching on the intent of all knowledge mantras
Specific Kriya Tantras
Cycles of the Lords of the Three Families
Cycle of Avalokiteshvara
1) Lotus Crown Root Tantra
2) Tantra of the Lotus Mind
3) Tantra of the Profound Mantra Ritual
4) Wish-Granting Jewel Monarch Tantra
5) Amogha Pasha known as Meaningful Lasso Tantra
6) Tantra of the Major and Minor Casket Array
(and others)
Cycle of Manjushri
1) Manjushri Tantra of Immaculate Wisdom Being
2) Manjushri Tantra of Sharp Intelligence
3) Manjushri Web-Cutting Tantra
4) Manjushri Nama Sangiti Tantra Expressed in Songs of Praise
(and others)
Cycle of Vajrapani
1) Vajrapani Empowerment Tantra
2) Vajra Under Earth Tantra
3) Vajra Above Earth Tantra
4) Tantra of Taming the Elemental Forces
5) Vajra Pestle Tantra
6) Tantra of Indestructible Blissful Wrath
7) Vajra Sharpness Tantra
8) Tantra of the Indestructible Secret Teaching
9) Tantra of Blazing Vajra Mountain
(and others)
Incantation Texts
1) Five Sets of Sacred Incantations
2) Three Hundred and Sixty Sacred Incantations
(and others)
Four Ubhaya Tantras
1) Tantra of the Full Enlightenment of Vairochana
2) Tantra of the Blazing Mass of Fire That Consumes the Kleshas
3) Vajra Bearer Empowerment Tantra
4) Nonconceptual Mind Tantra
Four Major Sections of Yoga Tantra
1) Tattvasamgraha Root Tantra
2) Vajra Pinnacle Tantra
3) Glorious Supreme Primal Tantra
4) Compendium of Conception Tantra
Chapter 13
Bestowed upon the five lotsawas sent by King Tresong Deutsen by Master Hungkara of the Golden Rock Garuda Forest in India.
The 3 mandalas of medicine sadhana
1) Fragrant Sadhana of the Eight-Petaled Lotus
2) Powder Sadhana of the Eight-Spoked Wheel
3) Sadhana of the Moist Compound of Samaya Substance of the Nine Crescents
3 mandalas of longevity
1) Longevity Sadhana within the Articles of Perfect Auspiciousness
2) Longevity Sadhana within the Secret Space of the Consort
3) Longevity Sadhana within the Secret Perfect Space
3 mantras of the empowerment for the conduct of the Secret Mantra
1) Sadhana of Primordially Pure Innate Nature of Awakened Mind
2) Union Bodhichitta Sadhana of Pure Space
3) Liberation Bodhichitta Sadhana of Pure Compassion
Vishuddha Sadhana and Commentary given only to lotsawa Namkhai Nyingpo
1) Vishuddha Sadhana
2) Single Fire and Sole Skull – as a lamp representing the scripture of Vishuddha likened to the heart within the chest
Chapter 14
25 tantras taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana of Pagor and Lekdrub of Tsang in India
(Only Vairochana made it back, unfortunately Lekdrub did not heed advice to learn swift foot before returning and was murdered by border guards before he could reach Tibet)
1) Great Extensive Space Tantra – to demonstrate in detail the major and minor points of awakened mind
2) Great Extensive Space Chiti Tantra – to put into practice the meaning of awakened mind that is difficult to comprehend
3) Great Space Liberation Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is utterly free
4) Quintessence King Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is unchanging
5) Tantra of the Sphere of Awakened Mind – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is embodied in the sphere of the essence
6) Wisdom Essence Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is self-existing wisdom
7) Garland of Instruction Tantra – to demonstrate the nature of mind in extensive stages
8) Secret Ocean Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is general for everyone
9) Wisdom Knowledge Tantra – to realize and comprehend that the nature of mind is one’s own awareness
10) Pure Space Tantra – to unify everything within the space of Samantabhadra, the nature of mind
11) Essence Chiti Tantra – to gain confidence in the supreme suchness of the nature of mind
12) Great Space Tantra of Awakened Mind – to demonstrate flawlessly the basis of the nature of mind
13) Single Mind Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is the Single Sphere
14) Single Meditation Tantra – to remain unmistakenly in naturalness in the nature of mind
15) Short Indirect Meditation Tantra – to demonstrate indirectly, stage-by-stage, the nature of mind
16) Auspicious Lamp Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is vital in all scriptures
17) Epitomized Great Space Empowerment Tantra – to demonstrate the nature of mind following the steps of empowerment
18) Wisdom Lamp Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is beyond words of expression
19) Tantra of Letterless Great Space – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is, like space, devoid of a self-nature
20) Shining Jewel Tantra – to demonstrate how all mental phenomena originate
21) Jewel Lamp Tantra – to demonstrate that all mental phenomena are devoid of an essence
22) Jewel Garland Tantra – to demonstrate that all mental states are self-originated
23) Tantra of the Lamp of the Three Realms – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is manifest within the realms
24) Definite Essence Tantra – to demonstrate the definite and correct meaning of the nature of mind
25) Most Secret Vajra Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is changless
26) Primordial Buddhahood Tantra – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is present as buddhahood, right now, within sentient beings
18 Major Scriptures taught by Shri Singha to Vairochana and Lekdrub of Tsang of Pagor
1) Awareness Cuckoo Scripture – since everything originates from awakened mind
2) Great Strength of Awareness Scripture – to outshine all effort and fabrication
3) Great Garuda View Scripture – since the nature of mind is perfected within Dharmadhatu
4) Pure Gold on Stone Scripture – since the nature of meditation is perfected within space
5) Great Space Never-Waning Banner Scripture – to perfect the nature of meditation
6) Wonderful Wisdom Scripture – to resolve the nature of mind to be emptiness
7) Meditation Accomplishment Scripture – to demonstrate the means of meditation
8) Supreme King Scripture – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is naturally dharmakaya
9) Nonarising Tilaka Scripture – to demonstrate that the nature of mind is the Single Sphere
10) Wheel of Life-Force Scriptures – to turn the wheel in the three states of existence, showing that the nature of mind is beyond birth and death
11) Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Scripture – to demonstrate that desirable qualities originate from the nature of mind
12) All-Embodying Jewel Scripture – to let all conceptual thinking rest in the state of dharmata
13) Great Space King Scripture – to demonstrate in full detail that all the vehicles are perfected and originate in the nature of mind
14) Spontaneous Summit Scripture – to demonstrate that resting in the nature of mind, the state of Samantabhadra, is unsurpassed, the summit amongst all
15) All-Encompassing Bliss Scripture – to demonstrate that the meaning of the nature of mind is devoid of fabrications and naturally rests in the state of ease
16) Jewel-Studded Bliss Scripture – to demonstrate that awakened mind remains untainted by the defects of emotional disturbances and is ornamented with the jewelry of qualities
17) Variegated Great Treasury Scripture – to demonstrate that all of samsara and nirvana originates within the expanse of awakened mind
18) Epitome of Teachings Scripture – to demonstrate and epitomize all the vehicles within awakened mind
Chaper 17
In this chapter relates how King Tresong Deutsen invited master pundits from various countries to gather for a 13 year long translation summit. As the goal was to translate the entirety of the Buddhadharma texts to Tibetan from the languages of India, Uddiyana, Sahor, Kashmir, Singala and China.
The 5 masters who led the efforts were Master Padma of Uddiyana (Padmasambhava), Master Vimalamitra of Kashmir, Khenpo Bodhisattva of Sahor, Master Danashila of Singala, Master Kamalashila of China, and Vairochana of Pagor (Tibet)
Other master translators included Kawa Paltsek, Chokro Lui Gyaltsen, Yeshe Dey of Nanam, Rinchen Chok of Ma, Jnana Kumara of Nyag.
Minor translators included Tsemang of Denma, Namkhai Nyingpo of Nub, Atsara Yeshe Yang of Ba, Gobum Yujin, Loki Chung and others.
General Sets of Texts Listed as being translated in their entirety to the Tibetan language
1) Chinese versions of the sutras including Hundred-fold Homage for Amending Breaches
2) Jewel Mound Buddha Avatamsaka
3) Prajnaparamita scriptures – the three extensive and medium length versions
4) Vinaya
5) Sutra
6) Abhidharma
7) Inner and outer teachings of the Secret Mantra belonging to the Eight Sadhana Teachings
Chapter 18
Details list of texts prescribed for King Tresong Deutsen to extend his lifespan.
10 Sutras for the king’s daily practice
1) Essence of Knowledge – the sutra of the view
2) Wisdom of Passing – sutra of meditation
3) Excellent Conduct – sutra of aspiration
4) Vajra Subjugator – sutra of purification
5) Confessions of Downfall from Bodhichitta – sutra of confession
6) White Ushnisha – sutra of exorcism
7) Blue Clad One – sutra of protection
8) Boundless Life – sutra of logevity
9) Stream of Wealth Goddess – sutra of prosperity
10) Single Syllable – sutra of quintessence
Inner fulfillment ritual
1) Ammendment of Breaches of Secret Mantra
Confessional liturgies for the secret fulfillment ritual
1) Confession of the Supreme Wisdom Body
2) Confession of Twenty-eight Points for Adopting and Avoiding
3) Secret Confessions of the Four Classes of Dakinis
4) Confession of the Expanse of the View – aka Natural Confession
As remedy against extremely haughty spirits of the world, Master Padma translated one thousand chapters on types of thread-crosses based on these two texts
1) Net of One Thousand Gods and Demons
2) Four Oceans of the Universal Mother Deities
Since Nagas (akin to dragons or serpent people) govern the country of Tibet from another dimension, Master Padma composed these rituals and Vajrayana texts for them
1) Propitiation of Nagas
2) Hiding the Naga Treasure
3) Binding the Entrustment to Nagas
4) Restoring the Naga Castle
5) Relinquishing Harmful Influences
(and many other ritual texts)
6) Garuda Remedy Sadhana
7) Hayagriva Subjugation of Nagas
8) Combined Sadhana of the Three Wrathful Ones
Master Padma also translated one-hundred subsidiary protective rituals including
1) Protective Ritual of the Highly Proficient King
2) Protective Ritual of the Invisibility Wand Against One-thousand Gods and Demons
( as well as the sadhanas for rituals for protective charms to wear or hang above doors)
Chapter 19
Master Padma composed the Nine Sadhana Sections based on the Nine Root Tantras
1) Yama Display Root Tantra
2) Dark Red Yama Tantra
3) sadhanas of Manjushri Body – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
4) Steed Display Root Tantra
5) Mighty Lotus Tantra
6) sadhanas of Lotus Speech – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
7) Heruka Galpoche
8) Supramundane Scripture
9) sadhanas of Vishuddha Mind – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
10) Most Supreme Display Root Tantra
11) Eightfold Volume
12) sadhanas of Nectar Quality – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
13) Kilaya Display Root Tantra
14) Twelve Kilaya Tantras
15) sadhanas of Kilaya Activity – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
16) Mother Deities Display Root Tantra
17) Mother Deities Assemblage Tantra
18) sadhanas of Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
19) Vidyadhara Display Root Tantra
20) Vidyadhara Accomplishment Tantra
21) Hundred and Eight Sadhanas of Guru Vidyadhara – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous 2
22) Tantra of Taming Haughty Spirits
23) sadhanas of Mundane Worship – composed by Guru Rinpoche based on previous
24) Wrathful Mantra Tantra
25) general and specific sadhanas of Maledictory Fierce Mantra
Four Particularly Important Instructions – composed by Master Padma
1) Keylike Wheel of Magic – since the Wheel of Yama is difficult to understand
2) Unified Basic Essence Sadhana – since Kilaya is difficult to accomplish
3) World Wheel of the Mother Deities to Show the Place of Death – since the Mother Deities, even when accomplished, are difficult to enjoin to activities
4) Wheel of Bonds and Suppression – since the spirits of the male class, though swift to act, are obstinate and very distrusting
Extremely profound and most eminent sadhana of the glorious Assemblage of Sugatas by Master Padma that condenses the Eight Sadhana Teachings into one
1) Root Tantra of the Assemblage of Sugatas
2) Subsequent True Enlightenment Tantra
3) Final Subsequent Mantra Tantra
4) Tantra of Mending Incompleteness
5) Opening Key Tantra
(based on those five Guru Rinpoche composed following sadhanas)
6) peaceful sadhana of the Supreme Hundred Families
7) peaceful sadhana of the Five Families
8) peaceful sadhana of the Single Family of the Great Secret
9) peaceful sadhana of the Single Form
(and others)
For the mandala of the wrathful deities with seven hundred twenty-five herukas as a single mandala he composed major, minor and lesser texts for the stages of development and completion including
10) Continuous Mantra Practice sadhana
(and others)
Master Padma then bestowed tantras according to how flowers fell when thrown by participants
1) tantras and sadhanas of Vishuddha Mind – given to Namkhai Nyingpo as his flower fell on the mandala of Vishuddha Mind
2) tantras and sadhanas of Manjushri Body – given to Sangye Yeshe of Nub as his flower fell on the mandala of Manjushri
3) tantras and sadhanas of Lotus Speech – given to Gyalwa Cho-yang of Ngenlam as his flower fell on the mandala of Lotus Speech
4) tantras and sadhanas of Kilaya Activity – given to Lady Kharchen as her flower fell on the mandala of Vajra Kilaya
5) tantras and sadhanas of Liberating Sorcery of Mother Deities – given to Palgyi Yeshe of Drogmi as his flower fell on the mandala of Mother Deities
6) tantras and sadhanas of Mundane Worship – given to Palgyi Senge of Lang as his flower fell on the mandala of Tamer of All Haughty Spirits
7) Maledictory Fierce Mantra – given to Vairochana as his flower fell on the mandala of the Black Powerful One
Chapter 20
In this chapter King Tresong becomes worried that in the coming final 500 years of the dark age, Buddhadharma in Tibet needs to be protected. Padmakara tells him he will bind any spirit he wants to the task. King Tresong Deutsen chose the nagas. Guru Rinpoche summons the king of the nagas who pleads with him to bind him to anything else but that exceedingly difficult deed, so the king settles with the nagas for all his 7 depleted treasuries to be replenished with gold and jewels, which is then granted. Then they decide to bind the fierce King Pekar of the warrior spirits to the task by skillful means.
Then Master Padma, Vairochana of Pagor, Namkhai Nyingpo of Nub, Yeshe Yang of Ba and several others gathered the subjugating mantras for protecting the Buddhadharma.
They compiled and translated an infinite number of tantras and sadhanas connected to the eight classes of gods and demons:
1) White Gings
2) Black Maras
3) Red Tsens
4) Murderous Yakshas
5) Slaughter Rakshasas
6) Pestilent Mamos
7) Wrathful Rahulas
8) Vicious Nagas
Additionally they translated countless tantras and sadhanas connected to the protectors of Buddhadharma such as:
1) Glorious Black Protector
2) Glorious Black Goddess
3) Dark Blue Guardian of Mantra
4) and many others
Many sadhanas and tantras related to the 3 leaders of the 8 classes of gods and demons:
1) Shenpa Pekar
2) Gingchen Sogdak
3) Tsangtsen Dorje Lekpa
An immense number of subjugating and fierce mantras relating to:
1) rahulas who govern the heavens, freeze the waters and send hail storms and lightning
2) vicious nagas that govern the subterrestrial regions and cause various types of leprosy
For mending commitments Master Padma bestowed upon King Tresong Deutsen:
1) Ocean of Cleansing Sacred Commitments
2) The Hundred Syllables of Vajrasattva
3) The Hundred Syllables of the Herukas
4) The Hundred Syllables of the Tathagatas
5) and their respective sadhanas as the Daily Confession for Mending Samayas (SS: atoning for broken oaths/commitments)