“When the time arrives, if you follow my advice, accept dharmadhatu as your essential country and forsake your homeland.
Adhere to forest retreats and remote places as our essential dwelling place and leave your house behind.
Practice the empty and luminous dharmata as your essential meditation and remain in seclusion.
As your essential house, dwell in the limitless dharmadhatu.
As your essential knowledge, keep attentiveness and presence of mind and exert yourself in spiritual practice.
As your essential treasury, gather the wealth of the three kayas in the basic nature of enlightened mind.
As your essential merit, do not leave your body, speech and mind in ordinariness, but practice the supreme Buddhadharma.
As your essential fatherhood, pay respect to Samantabhadra, compassion, and be kind to all beings.
As your essential motherhood, pay respect to Samantabhadri, loving kindness, and cherish all beings as your children.
As your essential spouse, meditate undistractedly on the samadhi of luminosity and emptiness and keep constant company with her.
As your essential offspring, visualize the five families of sugatas and practice the samadhis of developments and completion.
As your essential wealth, copy the scriptures of the sugatas and scrutinize and keep their meaning in mind.
As your essential farm land, cultivate the field of faith and engage in actions that are in harmony with the Dharma.
As your essential retinue, keep to the dakinis and protectors and present them with feast offerings and tormas.
As your essential food, eat the nonarising nectar of dharmata and practice unchanging samadhi.
As your essential beverages, drink the nectar of your master’s oral instructions and supplicate him repeatedly.
As your essential clothing, receive the empowerments and sacred commitments and bring them to perfection.
As your essential entertainment, engage in the samadhi of emanating and absorbing and train in the expression of awareness.
As your essential enjoyment, practice meditation and sadhana and bring your body, speech, and mind to maturity through the progressive stages of Dharma practice.
As your essential spectacle, train gradually in development and completion and apply them in practice.
As your essential warrior spirit, make constant offerings to the wisdom deity.
As your essential chaplain, visualize the vajra master at the crown of your head and supplicate him.
As your essential activity, have the scriptures copied and give them to whoever has need.
As your essential mirror, look into the sacred Dharma and exert yourself in making supplications.
As your essential shrine room, meditate on your body being the mandala and visualize the yidam.
As your essential ornament, train in the four immeasurables and act for the welfare of beings, without partiality or prejudice.
As your essential Dharma practice, rest your mind in the unfabricated innate state of emptiness and luminosity.
As your essential samaya, look constantly into your mind and reveal the purity of its nature.
As your essential instruction, keep your character free from deceit and hypocrisy and meditate on the oral of the hearing lineage.
As your essential mandala, unceasingly rest your mind in the innate state.
As your essential view, look into the changeless dharmakaya and recognize your natural face.
As your essential meditation, practice the yidam of nonarising and become stable in the innate state.
As your essential conduct, act without accepting or rejecting and be free from attachment.
As your essential fruition, do not seek the result elsewhere, since the three kayas are inherent in yourself.
If you practice like this you will attain buddhahood in Sukhavati after that life, having taken birth from within the bud of a lotus flower.”
Thus Padmakara gave this prophecy to King Trisong Deutsen.
As recorded by dakini Yeshe Tsogyal in “The Lotus Born” being a biography of Padmasambhava that she composed and hid under a tantric Hayagriva statue at the newly constructed Samye temple in the 9th century. The text was revealed in the 12th century by Nyang Ral Nyima Özer (Ray of Sunlight) ཉང་རལ་ཉི་མ་འོད་ཟེར། the first of the famed five Terton kings (treasure revealers).
Dharma = “truth” (Sanskrit); implies living a life of truth, also specifically the truth as taught by Gotama Buddha, i.e. “Buddhadharma”. Even if you are online posting truth on the behalf of humanity to combat the lies of the ill-human-naughties with their duplicitous, misleading and ill-conceived propaganda regarding the “Gate’s Flu”, the clot shots, climate change, boys can be girls and vice versa, 2020 election was not stolen, etc. YOU are engaging in upholding “Dharma” for this planet! (very much so)
Dharmadatu = “realm of truth” ; Sanskrit dharma “truth” + datu “realm, sphere, dimension”. In Vajrayana Buddhism, especially “ground” (akin to what scientists have discovered recently as the quantum field). Literally ‘the essence or expanse of phenomena’. All-encompassing space. Dharmadhatu can be synonymous with Buddha-nature. According to Nāgārjuna, the dharmadhatu is seen when the afflictions are purified: “As butter, though inherent in the milk,is mixed with it and hence does not appear, Just so the dharmadhatu is not seen as long as it is mixed together with afflictions. And just as the inherent butter essence when the milk is purified is no more disguised, when afflictions have been completely purified, the dharmadhatu will be without any stain at all.”
Kayas = bodies, vehicles; we all possess 3 of them, dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. In occult literature corresponds to the mental bodies, astral and etheric (all being in essence “physical” composed of their own grades of matter). Also can be viewed as our vehicle in each: the 5th, 4th and 3rd dimensions.
Padmakara = Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche
Sadhana = dedicated spiritual practice for the purpose of transcending the ego and achieving enlightenment.
Samantabhadra = (from encyclopediaofbuddhism.org) Samantabhadra (lit. “Universal Worthy”, “All Good”) is a great bodhisattva associated with practice and meditation. He is often represented in a triad with Buddha Shakyamuni and the bodhisattva Manjushri. He is the patron of the Lotus Sutra and, according to the Avatamsaka Sutra, made the ten great vows which are the basis of a bodhisattva.
Samantabhadri = Dakini and female Buddha from the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition. She is the consort and female counterpart of Samantabhadra, known amongst some Tibetan Buddhists as the ‘Primordial Buddha’. Samantabhadri herself is known as the ‘primordial Mother Buddha’. Samantabhadri is the dharmakaya dakini aspect of the Trikaya, or three bodies of a Buddha.
Samaya = a set of vows or precepts given to initiates of an esoteric Vajrayana Buddhist order as part of the abhiṣeka (empowerment or initiation) ceremony that creates a bond between the guru and disciple. Also, in general, the commitment that you make to your higher Self to attain enlightenment.
Sugatas = buddhas, enlightened beings. Sanskrit – “Su”‘ is a prefix meaning good and “gata” is the past passive participle of “to go”, so “has gone to the ‘good’ side” (and FOR GOOD, meaning permanently).
Trisong Deutsen = The 39th emperor of Tibet. He ruled from AD 755 until 797 or 804. He was the second of the Three Dharma Kings of Tibet, playing a pivotal role in the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet and the establishment of the Nyingma or “Ancient” school of Tibetan Buddhism.