
Garjantam garjayantam nija-bhuja-patalam sphotayantam hatantamdipyantam tapayantam divi bhuvi ditijam kshepayantam kshipantamkrandantam roshayantam dishi dishi satatam samharantam bharantamvikshantam purnayantam kara-nikara-shatair divya-simham namami Lord Narasimha roars ferociously and also moves others to roar aloud. He has a large number of arms and tears down the demons to pieces while confronting them on the way. He moves about… Continue reading Narasimha

Advice to King Trisong Deutsen by Padmasambhava

“When the time arrives, if you follow my advice, accept dharmadhatu as your essential country and forsake your homeland. Adhere to forest retreats and remote places as our essential dwelling place and leave your house behind. Practice the empty and luminous dharmata as your essential meditation and remain in seclusion. As your essential house, dwell… Continue reading Advice to King Trisong Deutsen by Padmasambhava

Categorized as Vajrayana

Salut au Monde!

from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman BOOK VI SALUT AU MONDE! 1 O take my hand, Walt Whitman!Such gliding wonders! such sights and sounds!Such joined unended links, each hooked to the next!Each answering all–each sharing the earth with all. What widens within you, Walt Whitman?What waves and soils exuding?What climes? what persons and lands… Continue reading Salut au Monde!

Quotes and Passages

June 11, 2024 Before individual man can achieve initiation, he must be fully self-conscious, mystically oriented and occultly developed. He must be aware of himself as he essentially is—a soul involved in form which is itself developed and unfolded through soul activity; he must be a developed mystic, capable of pure vision, motivated by spiritual… Continue reading Quotes and Passages

Categorized as Journal

List of 17 Defilements

from the Book of the Fives of Buddhism… 1) lust 2) hatred 3) delusion 4) anger 5) hostility 6) denigration 7) insolence 8) envy 9) miserliness 10) deceitfulness 11) craftiness 12) obstinacy 13) vehemence 14) conceit 15) arrogance 16) intoxication 17) heedlessness

Vigilant Introspection 5:5

Being the 1st through 5th verse of chapter 5 of Shantideva’s The Way of the Bodhisattva according to Padmakara Group translation from TibetanFOLLOWED BY ESSAY from website of Gyalwa Karmapa that mentions.. Those who wish to travel the path to Great Awakening and to attain to realization must be able to do those meditation practices… Continue reading Vigilant Introspection 5:5

What is Initiation?

from “The Rays and Initiations” by Alice A. Bailey published 1960 SECTION ONE – THE ASPIRANT AND THE MYSTERIES OF INITIATION – Part 9 The emphasis in the earlier teaching was upon character as the determining factor in deciding whether a man could “take initiation” (as it was called), and this was another of the presentations which… Continue reading What is Initiation?

Categorized as Theosophy

Psychology of Evil – GFS Newsletter Oct. 2021

Psychology of Evil There are direct experiencers and non-experiencers, empaths and non-empaths. The experiencers and Starseeds on the ascension path know full well we are in deep with the spiritual warfare that is aggressively attacking all Guardian Host representatives, awakening humans and those serving the reclamation of the Christos mission on multiple planes of reality.… Continue reading Psychology of Evil – GFS Newsletter Oct. 2021